A Logo of Seth's Portfolio

Seth McNamee


Code Examples

CPT232 C++

My portfolio highlights my experience with C++ through projects undertaken in the CPT232 class. These projects showcase my ability to implement object oriented programming, manipulate arrays, and create functions. Explore the "CPT232 C++" section to see these projects in detail and gain a deeper understanding of my C++ capabilities.

C++ Projects

CPT238 JavaScript

The Projects I have done in CPT238 JavaScript show my ability to validate data, Calculate user inputted data, and use a random number generator to make a lottery Guesser. Check out the "JavaScript Projects" link below to view these pages, view the code, and gain a deeper understanding of my JavaScript capabilities.

JavaScript Projects

CPT162 Html and CSS

In the CPT162 Class, the projects showcase my ability to create websites using HTML and CSS. They also showcase my ability to write HTML and CSS code and Create Forms that provide simple input validation. Please view the "HTML and CSS Projects" below to view the projects and see what I can do with HTML and CSS.

Html and CSS Projects

Responsive Web Design Examples

These Projects are from the class IST238 and use CSS and Bootstrap to make the web pages responsive. The Projects gave me experience using percentages instead of fixed widths, the display flex method, the display grid method, and Bootstrap to make these pages work with desktop and mobile devices. View the "RWD-Example Projects" to see these projects.

RWD-Example Projects